A seminar with the participation of professors of the International University of Information Technologies (Kazakhstan)

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  • A seminar with the participation of professors of the International University of Information Technologies (Kazakhstan)

In pursuance of the tasks specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 20, 2017, PC-2909 on the organization of lectures and seminars for faculty and students of TUIT and its regional branches, with the involvement of foreign professors and highly qualified specialists for the period from November 19 to 24 In 2018, Gulnara Zakirova and Vasily Serbin, leaders of departments at the International University of Information Technologies (Kazakhstan) had been invited to the university. Within 2 days they organized a seminar for the faculty and staff of the relevant departments of TUIT on the topics “Problems and solutions to the transition to the credit system”, “Development of research projects in the field of information technologies”, “Using ICT & M-Learning in teaching courses”.

These seminars were organized for the faculty and staff of the relevant departments in the Urgench and Nukus branches of TUIT.

During the visit was signed a Cooperation Agreement between TUIT and the International University of Information Technologies.