An essay contest on "Adoper Family" dedicated to the "Family View" and "Role of man in the family" was held to prepare young people In order to prepare young people for marriage.

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  • An essay contest on "Adoper Family" dedicated to the "Family View" and "Role of man in the family" was held to prepare young people In order to prepare young people for marriage.

An essay contest on "Adoper Family" dedicated to the "Family View" and "Role of man in the family" was held to prepare young people In order to prepare young people for marriage.

In order to prepare young people for marriage, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi held an online essay competition among university students on "My future wife in my imagination" and "The role of men in the family."

Thirty students participated in the competition with their creations, of which 2 students were found plagiarized in their essays and were excluded from the competition. According to the results of the competition:

1st place - Kurbanova Feruza, Salimova Husniya;

2nd place - Bautelishova Guljahon, Gafurov Islam, Shamenova Altinay, Negmatova Nilufar;

3rd place - Feruza Kamoliddinova, Obidova Shahnoza, Kurbanbekova Dildora.