"Job & Edu Fest" - IT labor and education fair was held at Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies.

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  • "Job & Edu Fest" - IT labor and education fair was held at Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies.

Assisting in the orientation and placement of graduates of higher education institutions and young people interested in the IT field in our republic to organizations operating in this direction and attracting talented schoolchildren and applicants interested in the IT field to higher education institutions in the system of the Ministry of Digital Technologies "Job & Edu Fest" - IT labor and education fair was held at Navoi State University of Mining and Technology.

A fair of vacancies in IT companies and industry enterprises in Navoi region was organized. At the event:

- Digital Education Development Center;

- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi;

- Amity University in Tashkent;

- Officials of the INHA University in Tashkent participated in the event with promotional programs about universities in the Ministry system.