On March 30, a job fair at TUIT and its regional branches was organized by the Ministry for development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi. More than 2.6 thousand graduate students of bachelor’s and master’s degree of the University participated /in these job fairs. Within the framework of the event, there was an opportunity for employers in leading industries to meet directly with the graduates of higher education in the field of ICT, in other words the opportunity to meet the needs of such specialists in the future was created.
It is known that the policy of our country particularly focuses on education of youth, improving the quality of education, training highly qualified specialists within international standards, as well as training skilled and knowledgeable specialists in the field of ICT for various branches of the economy, with particular focus on their future work.
Now, the introduction of “e-government” projects into the activities of all state, economic and local government bodies of our country as well as information and communication systems projects are being performed by the government of our country. For the implementation of these tasks the role of knowledgeable and skilled specialists in the sphere of ICT is crucial.
The main purpose of the job fair is to create opportunities for the companies and organizations of the sector to meet and attract young skilled specialists to vacancies as well as to help specialists to be employed.
For the implementation of this purpose, organizations and firms in the sphere of ICT as well as over 100 companies and organizations of government and economic body with over 1000 vacancies participated in the event.