Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (formerly Tashkent electrotechnical Institute of communications) was organized in 1955.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 30, 2002 №. PD-3080 "On further development of computerization and introduction of information and communication technologies," the institute was given the status of "University", and transformed into "Tashkent University of Information Technologies".
At present, there are 7 faculties, 484 teachers, 10432 undergraduate students and 316 mastersobtain theoretical and practical knowledge in various subjects at the University.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies on the basis of positive experience of leading foreign higher educational institutions (universities of the Republic of Korea: Inha University, Chung-Ang University, Kookmin University, Yeungnam University, KAIST University, Seoul University of Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation, etc.) elaborated new curricula for directions of bachelor's and master's degrees.
60-70% of the curricula for direction of bachelor's education and 80-90% of curricula for the master’sspecialty have been updated. The curriculum of 2017-2018 academic year includes more than 10 new subjects related to the creation of databases, artificial intelligence systems and programming related to the 4thgeneration of industrial development.
In the period of 2013-2017 about 115 teachers in from TUIT and its regional branches have been trained in the leading higher educational institutions of South Korea (KAIST University, Seoul University of Science and Technology, Kyonghi University, Sungsil University, Chung-Ang University, Inha University, Yeungnam University).
In addition, curriculum and programs of the Center for retraining and professional development under the TUIT have been improved.
Courses in 6 main disciplines for 57 TUIT teachers with the participation of 3 teachers from Sungsil University (South Korea) are organized in 2016 y.
Currently, 2 bachelor students, 22 undergraduates and 9 doctoral students are being trained at leading foreign higher education institutions and research centers.
For the last years, due to international cooperation, 16 educational laboratories, 9 computer classes, 4 centers - Uzbek-Indian Information Technology Center, Uzbek-Korean Information Access Center, the training center of the CISCO Regional Academy are equipped according to world standards. The modernization of the Uzbek-Indian Information Technology Center named after Jawaharlal Nehru was carried out at the expense of grant funds in the amount of 500.0 thousand US dollars. Currently, the University has more than 70 educational laboratories, 7 research laboratories, about 50 computer and multimedia classes.
At the University, the total amount of computer technology comprises 1624 units. Of these, more than 1400 units are involved directly in the training process. 1385 units of computer equipment connected to local and corporate networks and the Internet. In order to update the computer park, the relevant technical means are annually acquired. In 2017, 250 unitsofcomputerhardwarearepurchased.
One of the largest projects in 2014-2015 was the creation of a multimedia class equipped with interactive ViewSonic projectors and modern facilities at the university and its branches, as well as 6 training laboratories designed to study next-generation networks (NGN networks) in cooperation with Uzbek telecom.In particular, together with "Uzbektelecom" training laboratories such as CDMA-450, Next Generation Networks NGN, educational laboratories for mobile and optical communication systems, Digital TV, new training laboratories in the branches, training laboratories ZTE, Huawei and others are organized.
In 2017, the first Central Asian Academy of Information and Network Technologies of Huawei company and the interactive training laboratory are opened.
The new interactive training laboratory "Smart Classroom" of ZTE company is organized.
In order to develop the university and its branches, work is carried out with leading specialists on projects financed under the programs of KOICA (South Korea) for $ 3 million and programs of JICA in the amount of $ 1.5 million. At present, within the framework of cooperation with Japan, the only Educational Media Center has been built in Central Asia, designed to carry out laboratory and practical exercises and conduct research work of students in the field of television technologies, and works on equipping and opening it in the near future is underway.
The general fund of the Information and Resource Center of the University makes up 322 thousand units of literature, of which 194 thousand units are educational literature, the fund of scientific literature is 100859 units, and the fund of electronic literature is more than 13 thousand units. The fund for Foreign Textbooks in English is more than 16,000. Two electronic programs have been implemented in the Information Resource Center: IRBIS and ARMAT.
The total number of bibliographic denomination is 42752 units. There are electronic copies of 58 doctoral dissertations in the IRC Foundation. Users of TUIT have the opportunity to use the resources of the sites www.dilib.uz and www.natlib.uz At the disposal of students there are 3 electronic libraries equipped with 70 computers connected to the Internet.
1. New interactive classroom “Smart Classroom”

2. Interactive multimedia class ViewSonic

3. Microsoft IntelLearning Laboratory

4. Training Laboratory of Electronics and Circuit Engineering

5. Sun Microsystems Training Laboratory

6. A training laboratory created using ZTE network routers and modems

7. Training laboratory Modern technologies of data transmission networks (ZTE Company)

8. Training laboratory Mobile communication systems on the standard "CDMA-450 (branch" UzMobile "of Uzbek telecom)

9. Next-Generation Network Training Laboratory

10. Training laboratory of the Mobile Communication System (a set of equipment of COSCOM switching station (Ucell trademark)

11. Educational-scientific laboratory of Digital TV

12. Educational-scientific laboratory Research of color television standards

13. Training Laboratory of Modern radio transmitting and radio-receiving systems

14. Educational-scientific laboratory of Modern telecommunication transmission systems

15. Video conferencing system