Press secretary of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi:
Kamolov Nodirjon Ma’murjon ugli
Reception time: Every day 9:00 - 18:00
E-mail: matbuot@tuit.uz
Duties of TATU press secretary:
- Participation in the formation and implementation of the information policy determined by the information service of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and TUIT management in accordance with modern requirements;
- ensuring effective and practical cooperation with the information service of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the information services of state and public organizations regarding the implementation of the unified state policy in the field of information;
- objectively, qualitatively and quickly informing the general public about the activities of TUIT, its normative and legal documents related to the field;
- cooperation with the mass media, formation of a circle of journalists working in constant cooperation, distribution of information messages, organization of public events at TUIT;
- Quickly post and update information on TUIT’s official social networks;
- preparation of news, informative materials, reviews and information analysis materials for distribution in national and foreign mass media together with the information service of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and designated employees of the divisions within TUIT;
- Analyzing the state of public opinion and the position of mass media in relation to the activities of TUIT and providing information about them to the rector of TATU;
- Creation and maintenance of a data bank of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the field of activity of TUIT.