Head of the Department of Spiritual and Psychological Education
Sobitova Shahnoza Shokir qizi
Qabul vaqti: Dushanba-Juma (14:00-16:00 gacha)
E-mail: sh.sobitova@tuit.uz
Activities and tasks of a university psychologist:
- Activities of a university psychologist
- psychological promotion and enlightenment
- psychodiagnostics
- mental development and psychocorrection
- psychological consultation
Psychoprophylaxis is a special type of activity of a psychologist of higher education, which is to create a healthy psychological environment for students and professors and to provide optimal conditions for their personal development.
The main tasks of psychological prevention work are as follows:
- formation as a person, creation of reasonable conditions for ensuring mental maturity;
- timely prevention of psychological defects and disorders that may appear on the threshold of personal maturity and intellectual development;
- carrying out work related to the student's adaptation to certain conditions (mind), for this purpose, creating special groups related to social adaptation, eliminating neurotic situations, working with students who are difficult to educate and their parents, group leader separate work and so on);
- participating in the process of accepting students to the first stage according to demand and need, determining the level of their psychological preparation for the higher education system, developing a program of individual work with students in cooperation with professors and teachers;
- working with students to prevent neurotic conditions related to education and upbringing, living conditions, psychological stress, prevention of neurotic conditions, psychological stress;
- organization of psychological councils to determine the level of mental (intellectual) development in order to fully demonstrate the student's abilities, psychological qualities, characteristics;
- higher education team - helping to create measures to eliminate, reduce and prevent psychological stress and exhaustion among its members;
- creation of a scientifically based model related to the perspective of higher education in collaboration with professors and teachers. To participate in the psychological-pedagogical diagnosis of the effectiveness of the educational process in the higher education system, to make changes to it, and as a result, to serve to solve the problem of the development of students as individuals;
- making corrections to the educational process, taking into account educational motives, personality orientation, its features of orientation to values related to ethnoculture;
- it is important to develop psychological measures to prevent conflicts between individuals, ethnic groups, and nations;
- to study the psychological roots of conflicts between professors, teachers, employees, parents, and family conflicts, to analyze the motives that cause them, to give advice on ways to alleviate and completely eliminate emergency situations;
- to establish individual work with persons who promote lust, drug addiction, easy living, and getting rich by dirty means among young people;
- development and implementation of guidelines for identifying defects in the mental world of students with slow learning and helping them, as well as taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of a person who needs corrective work;
- to determine the possibility of self-management among students of higher education (it is meant to be managed by an individual, such as biorhythms, emotion, motivation, will, interest, attention, etc.).
- formation of social adaptation skills in students, especially students living in student housing and rented accommodation, and conducting psychological-pedagogical practices to eliminate their social problems;
- to identify students with a tendency to delinquency and crime, with deviant behavior, to direct them to socially active activities by stabilizing their mental state;
- collecting and summarizing information about the quality of textbooks, the problem of reading, the attitude of employees and students to state property, preparing information for the administration and the trade union;
- development of a system of activities in order to check the level of ecological, economic, political, ethno-psychological knowledge of the employees and students of the higher educational institution, to study the possibility of strengthening independence and to form patriotic feelings in them;
- examination of the problem of distribution of free time among students and its effective use from a socio-psychological point of view, and ways of organizing free time according to the purpose, using them to acquire ethno-psychological knowledge, spiritual values.