Head of the department:
Redjepov Shavkat Baxtiyarovich
Information about the activities of the master's department:
During the years of independence, large-scale work has begun in Uzbekistan to radically reform all types of education, including the system for training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.
On August 29, 1997, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the “National Personnel Training Program” were adopted in our country to bring education to the level of world standards.
According to this legislation, since 1999, at the second stage of education in a number of leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, master's departments have been opened and master's training has begun, in accordance with the "National Training Program" of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) there is a master's department from 1999-2000 of the year.
The department of magistracy at TUIT conducts its activities in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 10, 2007 No. 190 "On measures to further improve the activities of the magistracy in the education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, increase its efficiency", as well as on the basis of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 2 March 2015 No. 36 "On approval of the Regulations on the magistracy".
Goals and objectives of the Master's Department:
- The main goal of the University's magistracy department is to train highly qualified, highly cultured, spiritually educated, competitive masters who meet international standards in the master's system of continuing education.
- The department of magistracy is an educational, scientific and administrative division of the university, which trains masters in several specialties.
- The educational process in the magistracy was developed by the basic higher educational institution in the relevant area of training (master's specialty), an exam is taken in the manner established by the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, discussed at the Coordinating Council of educational and methodological associations in the field of secondary specialized, vocational education, the Ministry higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan State educational standards for higher education (hereinafter referred to as the State educational standards) and approved curricula for specialties.
- Organize the educational process, participate in the development of the schedule, determine and control the amount of independent work of the master.
- Formation of a database of topics for Ph.D. theses on topical issues of the industry in cooperation with departments of specialization and enterprises and organizations of the Ministry.
- Conclusion of cooperation agreements with professional colleges and academic lyceums of specialized departments and the mutual organization of scientific and pedagogical practice of graduate students.
- Form draft orders for undergraduates and recommend them to the rector of the university.
- Carrying out spiritual and educational work among undergraduates, familiarizing them with the rules of etiquette.
- Organization of scientific internships for undergraduates in cooperation with enterprises and organizations of the system and development of measures to improve its effectiveness in conjunction with the departments of specialization.
- Organize and carry out work on admission to the magistracy of the university and make suggestions and comments on admission to higher organizations in cooperation with the university administration.
- To study the experience of foreign universities in the organization of master's activities, its implementation and develop measures to improve its effectiveness and application in the educational process.
- Recommendation of gifted students studying in the magistracy for state scholarships.
- Organize internships in the international department of the University on the basis of exchange programs of foreign higher educational institutions.
108, Amir Temur str., Yunusabad, Tashkent
TUIT 343 (Block C) room
Telefon: (0 371) 238-65-12