Head of the department:
Miryakubov Mirjamol Mirkadir ogli
Information about the department for managing the anti-corruption system “compliance control” of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.
The department is a structural subdivision of a higher education institution. The activities of the department are aimed at managing the “Compliance Control” system in a higher education institution, as well as combating corruption; within its competence, the department reports directly to the rector of the higher education institution and is accountable to the “Department of Compliance Control and Anti-Corruption” of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.
In its activities, the department is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders of ministries and resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this charter, the charter of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, as well as other legislative acts.
The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other departments of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.
Tasks and functions of the department:
- Prevention and fight against corruption offenses in higher education institutions;
- Ensuring the implementation in the higher education system of measures aimed at implementing the “Education without Corruption” project throughout the higher education institution;
- The fight against corruption in higher education institutions, the introduction of a “compliance control” system and its implementation;
- Identification of areas with a high level of corruption risks, causes and conditions for committing corruption offenses in a higher education institution;
- Inform about systemic problems leading to corruption in a higher education institution, and make appropriate proposals to eliminate them;
- Ensuring the implementation of programs aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions of corruption offenses and increasing the effectiveness of measures to combat corruption in a higher education institution;
- Coordination of public control aimed at combating corruption in higher education institutions, as well as conducting anti-corruption monitoring based on modern methods and information and communication technologies;
- Coordination of the activities of the Academic Lyceum at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in combating corruption.
To carry out the tasks assigned to the unit performs the following functions:
- Monitors compliance with laws and regulations relating to anti-corruption in higher education institutions, as well as decisions and orders of the Ministry;
- Develops measures and work plans aimed at preventing corruption offenses, ensures their complete, high-quality and timely implementation, studies the state of implementation of the planned measures, prepares information on their results;
- Develops and submits for approval to the rector draft internal documents aimed at implementing anti-corruption measures in a higher education institution;
- Develops proposals to eliminate corruption norms identified in the internal documents of a higher education institution;
- Assess corruption risks in a higher education institution and develop action plans to reduce them;
- Considers incoming requests and anonymous reports about corruption risks and offenses in the actions of teaching, management, technical, maintenance and educational support personnel of higher educational institutions and takes measures in the prescribed manner;
- Maintains a register of internal investigations into corruption in a higher education institution;
- Participates in organizing conflicts of interest and checking the reliability of counterparties in public procurement;
- Monitors conflicts of interest between employees of a higher education institution and makes appropriate proposals;
- Organizes regular preventive conversations between teaching, management, technical, maintenance, educational and support staff of a higher educational institution;
- In order to identify corruption situations in the activities of a higher educational institution, teaching, management, technical, maintenance, educational and support staff, students (master's students, doctoral students, independent applicants) based on surveys, social and other studies systematically evaluate the results and impact of measures propaganda against corruption and carries out further activities. uses assessment results for marking;
- Organizes conferences, meetings, seminars, competitions aimed at combating corruption among teaching staff and students; • Studies the conditions and causes of corruption offenses in a higher education institution, and also develops proposals for their elimination;
- Ensures regular updating of information in the “Anti-corruption” section on the official website of the higher education institution;
- Reports quarterly and as necessary to the rector on the work done to combat corruption and the corruption situation in the higher education institution, as well as in the department for control and combating corruption of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education; • Establishes effective cooperation in the field of anti-corruption with the Department for Control and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and other government bodies and organizations carrying out anti-corruption activities, parents;
- exercises control over the anti-corruption activities of the Academic Lyceum at the university;
- monitors anti-corruption work in a higher education institution, submits analytical materials to management and the Ministry.
Objective: preventing corruption factors and implementing preventive measures, organizing constant interaction with teachers and students.
Rules for citizens and civil servants.
About observance of etiquette and its importance when working with members of the public, individuals and legal entities, preventing conflicts of interest and corruption situations.
Telephone for inquiries: +998950063228 +998712386544