Head of department:
Mekhriddin Rakhimov Fazliddinovich - PhD
The Department of Computer Systems was established in 2008 as a result of the merger of three departments: “Applied Informatics”, “Computer Systems and Networks”, and “Biotechnical Systems”.
Department of Applied Informatics was established at the Faculty of Information Technologies in August 2005 on the initiative of the Rector of TATU Professor S.S. Kasimov and Professor M.M. Musaev, and was established on August 17 of this year on the basis of the order of the Rector of TATU Professor S.S. Kasimov (147/01). The purpose of the department is to train highly qualified specialists engaged in the design, development, repair and use of applied (practical) information systems in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the 2005-2006 academic year, for the first time, students in the specialty “Applied Informatics” were admitted.
Currently, 4 professors, 12 associate professors, 8 senior lecturers, 19 assistants are engaged in pedagogical and research work at the department. To date, professors and teachers of the department have prepared textbooks for 4 professional colleges. The total number of subjects taught at the department is 26, their work programs, schedules and texts of lectures have been prepared. Bachelor's degree in specialty 60610500 – "Computer Engineering" and Master's degree in specialty 70610501 – "Design of Computer Systems" are studied at the department. At the moment, professors and teachers of the department are working on 3 projects, and in recent years, the teaching staff has published more than 38 scientific articles. There are also 3 doctoral students (PhD) and 2 independent researchers at the department.The bachelor degree directions of the department
Computer engineering ("computer engineering")
Master’s degree specialty of the department
Computer engineering “design of computer systems”
Geographic information systems and technologies
- Computer network
- Computer architecture
- Data mining
- Parallel processing
- Technologies and methods of big data processing
- Computer organization
- Geoinformation technologies
- Computer vision programming using Raspberry Pi.
- Computer modelling
Master’s degree:
- Computer network
- Computer architecture
- Data mining
- Parallel processing
- Technologies and methods of big data processing
- Computer organization
- Geoinformation technologies
- Computer vision programming using Raspberry Pi.
- Computer modelling

Teaching staff of the department
- Rakhimov Mekhriddin Fazliddinovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department
- Abdurashidova Kamola Turgunbaevna – associate professor
- Akbarkhodjaev Shamsiddin Najimovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Azamova Saodat Fayzullaevna – assistant
- Atadjanov Ibragim Ravshanbekovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Atajanova Nozima Sultan-Muratovna – senior lecturer
- Botirov Sakhibjon Rustamovich – assistant
- Djumanov Jamojon Khudoykulovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Jabbarov Khayitmurad Ishmominnovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Javliev Shakhzod Alisherovich – assistant
- Otabek Mirkhailovich Ismailov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Sayyora Nurmamatovna Iskandarova – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Nazarov Alisher Iskenderovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Farhat Farmanovich Radjabov – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Sayfullaeva Nargiza Akromovna – v.b. assistant professor
- Turaeva Makhliyo Shakirovna – assistant
- Gulzira Nuriddinovna Khaldarova – assistant
- Khusanov Urolboy Abdumannovich – assistant
- Khodjaev Nadir Sodirovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Yunusov Jura Yunusovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Yusupov Rustam Abdimuratovich – senior lecturer
Part-time workers
- Jamalov Khudoyorkhan Muzaffarovich – doctoral student
- Kim Elena Valerievna – doctoral student
- Ibrokhimova Bakhrom Sobirjanovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor.
- Nasimov Rashid Khamidovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Eshmurodov Dilshod Elmurodovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
- Saydazimov Javlonbek Karimovich – doctoral student
- Mirzakhalilov Sanjar Serkaboyevich – senior lecturer
- Sobirov Shakhzod Azodovich – assistant
- Yakhshiboev Doniyor Sultanboevich – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Turakulov Shokhrukh Khudayarovich – doctoral student
- Turaev Khurshid Shukhratovich – doctoral student
- Ilkhom Khalilovich Khatamov – trainee teacher
List of international scientific articles
- Djumanov, J., Rajabov, F., Abdurashidova, K., Xodjaev, N., E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. №401, 01063 (Scopus), Autonomous wireless sound gauge device for measuring liquid level in well.
- Djurayev R.Kh. Botirov S., International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, trends and opportunities (ICISCT). Tashkent, Uzbekistan – 2023. – 4 p., Impact of SDN Technology on Big Data Transfer in Cloud Infrastructure.
- Iskandarova Sayyora Nurmamatovna, Turakulov Shoxrux Xudayarovich, Journal of Integrated SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY J. Integr. Sci. Technol. 2024, 12(2), 737, Sustainable development with Industry 4.0: A study with design, features and challenges.
- Gulomov, A.Temirov, Kh.Jabborov, F.Mukhamadiyeva N. Atadjanova, ICIST 2023 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies – Applications, trends and opportunities, Decision-Making Algorithms Based on Determining the Level of Student Knowledge.
- Husanov Urolboy Abdumannon o‘g‘li, Central Asian Journal of Education and Computer Sciences (CAJECS) VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2023 ISSN: 2181-3213, THE ECONOMIC ISSUES OF DEVELOPING MODERN SATELLITE, MULTIMEDIA, AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS.
- Raximov Mexriddin Fazliddinovich Karimberdiev J., “TATU xabarlari”, 2-soni, U-Net orqali To‘liq Konvolyutsion Tarmoqdan foydalangan holda miya o‘simatasini segmentatsiya qilish.
- Raximov Javliev Sh., TATU XABARLARI” ilmiy-texnika va axborot-tahliliy jurnali, Tasvirlarni parallel qayta ishlashda CUDA texnologiyasining imkoniyatlari.
- Kuchkorov T.A., Sabitova N.Q.,“Endoskopik tasvirlarda yallig‘langan sohalarni tanib olishning mobileNet arxitekturasiga asoslangan modeli”, MUHAMMAD AL-XORAZMIY AVLODLARI ILMIY-AMALIY VA AXBOROTTAHLILIY JURNAL, 4/2023.
- Ismailov O.M., Remote monitoring of athlete’s blood pressure during training or competition based on artificial intelligence algorithms, Journal of “Sustainable Agriculture” №2(18).2023.
- Kuchkorov Temurbek Ataxonovich, Hamzayev Jamshid Fayzidin o‘g‘li, Baxritdinov Farrux Zafar o‘g‘li, “Avtotransportlar harakatini tartibga solishning noravshan mantiqqa asoslangan modeli”, Raqamli Transformatsiya va Sun’iy Intellekt ilmiy jurnali. 75-84 b. Volume 1, ISSUE 3, october 2023.
- Djumanov J., Khushvaktov S., Kuchkorov T., Anorboyev E., Automated measuring systems in monitoring the hydrogeological characteristics of aquifers., “Science and innovation” International scientific journal. Volume 1. Issue 6 UIF-2022: 8.2 ISSN: 2181-3337.
- To‘rayev B. To‘rayev X., TATU XABARLARI” ilmiy-texnika va axborot-tahliliy jurnali. № 2(66)/2023,Сигналларни қайта ишлаш талабларига мос келувчи микроконтроллерлар ва микропроцессорлар таҳлили.
- Botirov S.R. Irmuxamedova N.A. Ahmadova K.A.,“Kompyuter tashkil etilishi” nomli amaliy mashg‘ulotlarini bajarish uchun o‘quv qo‘llanma tayyorlandi va grif olindi., 29 avgust, 895-22-sonli buyuruq; GRIF 2023-038.
- Mirzaxalilov S.S.,60610900-Dasturlanuvchi mobil tizimlar ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun “Kompyuter tizimlari va tarmoqlari” nomli rus tilidagi o‘quv qo‘llanmasi, Universitetning 2023-yil 29-dekabrdagi 1515-22-sonli buyrug‘iga asosan o‘quv qo‘llanma sifatida chop etishga tavsiya etilgan (chop etish ruxsatnoma raqami №727-0027, №2023-100).
- Djumanov Jamoljon Xudoyqulovich, Algebraic equations in mathematical modeling, 2023 yil.
- Xodjayev Nodir XX,Дуалъное обучение в системе высшего образования, 2023 yil.
- Djumanov Jamoljon Xudoyqulovich, Mathematical models of hydrogeological prosesses,
- Raximov M.F.,O‘zbek tili nutqini sintezlovchi "Matn-Nutq" dasturi, DGU
- Sayfullayeva Nargiza Akromovnaning,Разработка проекта мобильного приложения для фитнес-центра, № DGU
- Atadjanova N,Tibbiy tasvirlarga dastlabki ishlov beruvchi dastur, № DGU 31578, 13.12.2023.
- JAMOLOV X.M., SAYDAZIMOV J. K. HUSANOV U. A.,Suyuqlik parametrlarini avtomatik o‘lchash dasturiy taminoti, DGU 06.09.2023.
- Iskandarova Sayyora Nurmamatovna, Jo‘raboyeva Oydina,mikroskopda olingan qon tasvirini tashxislash dasturi, DGU 29427 11.2023y.
- Azimova N.M., Madjidova Y.N., Ergasheva N.N., Xusenova N.T. Botirov S.,Autizmli bolalar uchun AVA terapiya ilovasida foydalanuvchilarni tahrirlash va ular o‘rtasida o‘zaro aloqa qilish uchun mas’ul bo‘lgan dastur, № DGU 01.12.2023.
- Xaldarova Gulzira, Signallarni tanib oluvchi dasturiy ta’minot, № DGU 20237935, 02.11.2023.
- To‘rayeva Maxliyo Shokir qizi, Quloq eshitish darajasini audiogrammalar tasviri orqali aniqlash dasturi, № DGU 2962.
- Farkhat Rajabov, Er osti suvini monitori - MonitorWtr, № DGU 30161, 30.11.2023.
- Javliev Sh. To‘rayev Xurshid Shuhrat o‘g‘li, Zigbee texnalogiyasi yordamida xavfsiz aloqani ta’minlab beruvchi dastur, № DGU 32173.
- Temirov Azizbek Abdumannob o‘g‘li, Gibrid energiya ta’minoti manbalarini IoT asosidagi boshqaruv va monitoringi ma’lumotlar bazasini loyihalash, № DGU 27341. 03.07.2023.
- Abdurashidova K.T. OCHILBOYEV U.I. DO‘SCHANOV B.D., Remind Me, № DGU 32206. 29.12.2023.
International cooperation of the department
- Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
- Dresden Technical University
- Lipetsk State Technical University (Russia)
- Seoul National University of Education and Technology (South Korea)
- International Academy of Computer Technologies (USA)
- KYUN-HI Universities (Kyung Hee University) (South Korea)
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- University of Sannio (Italy)
- Pierre and Marie Curie University (France)
- Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)
- Petersburg State University of Communications named after A. Bonch-Bruevich