The head of department:
Maxmudjanov Sarvar Ulugbekovich
Reception hours: Monday - Friday (9:00 - 18:00)
Phone: (+99871) 238-64-55
E-mail: ,
The center conducts its activities in the following directions:
- Organization of selection of fundamental, practical, innovative and start-up scientific-research projects (bringing to the attention of professors and teachers, selection of initiative projects), planning and implementation. At the same time, increasing the number of research projects, expanding the participation of young scientists in them, and solving the issues of applying the results of scientific activity to production.
- Formalization of organizational documents necessary for the management of projects implemented within the framework of state programs (regarding travel, recruitment and dismissal of personnel invited to projects, temporary creative groups), preparation of project estimates according to current procedures and funding controlling the correct distribution of funds, monitoring reports on projects.
- Organization of start-up and innovative project competitions among talented young people, creation of favorable conditions for the effective development of small innovative projects that implement unique scientific and technical ideas of students.
- Commercialization of scientific work and research results of the university.
- Organization of scientific and practical conferences held at the national level.
TUIT (building E)
108, Amir Temur Street, Yunusabad District, Tashkent.
(0 371) 238 64 39