The head of Department:
Beknazarova Saida Safibullayevna
April 1, 2009 the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-1088 "On measures to further improve the efficiency of the use of high-tech TV and radio equipment in the system of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan", was issued, which clearly identified the problems on this issue and ways to solve them.
Since 2011, in the faculty of Television technology has been assigned a specialized Department "Computer graphics and design", under the leadership of M. N.Nuraliev, where he prepared bachelors in three areas of education: 5330400-"" Computer graphics and design", 5320600 - "" Audio-video technology" and 5320700-"Technology of sound recording".
Since 2013/2014 academic year the Department of "Computer graphics and design" has been reorganized into a specialized Department" Audiovisual technologies", which began to prepare specialists in the new direction of education "Television technologies"
The department of “Audiovisual technologies” in his history has produced more than 600 specialists on direction “Computer graphics and design”, “Audio-video technologies” “Television technologies” and most of the them nowadays are working in the National television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan and other industries.
Television technologies ("Audiovisual technologies").
"Computer graphics and design";
"Video technology"
"Multiplication films technologies”
Bachelor's Degree:
- Computer graphics
- Digital media and TV technologies
- Sound and image processing
- Computer animation
- Audio editing
- Audio studio design
- Special effects
- Audiovisual services
- The technologies of creating multiplication products
- Creative design and Web art
- The theory of acoustics
- Modern television studios
- Mathematical basics of image processing
- Image recognition
- Identify speech signals
- Media, film and television
- Mathematical basics of video transmission
- Beknazarova Saida Safibullayevna- Ds, docent
- Muhamadiyev Abduvali Shukurovich–Ds, docent
- Nuraliyev Faxriddin Murodillayevich– Ds, docent
- Turayev Botir Zokirovich-Phd, professor
- Narzullayev Oybek Mirzayevich– Phd, senior teacher
- Qayumova Gulshan Asrorovna- senior teacher
- Modullayev Jahongir Sobir o‘g‘li- senior teacher
- Baxramov Asror Axror o‘g‘li- assistant
- Boymurodov Bobur Elmurodovich- senior teacher
- Ibodullayev Sardor- assistant
- Jaumitbayeva Mexribon- assistant
- Abdullayev Yunus Yusup o’g’li- assistant
- Mirzayeva Nargiza - intern teacher
The list of grants carried out in the department (fundamental, applied, innovation projects):
- Nuraliyev- A 5-026 "Development of models, algorithms and software package of media education system Mediaedu.uz» (2015-2017)
- Anarova-№ БА-А5-014 “Development of automated technology for analytical description of complex fractal structures based on the theory of arithmetic properties and R-function” (2017-2018)
- Beknazarova S.S--№ БВ-Атех-2018-267-“Development and implementation of an integrated national electronic payment platform for international payment systems “(2018-2020)
- Nuraliyev F.M. - ИЛ-4721071198 Innovative project "Creation of a national virtual university system for information technologies based on 3D technologies»
- Beknazarova S.S. / computer program "Test Portal" 08.06.2012, № DGU 02,535 Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Beknazarova S.S./ The computer program "Mediacourse Builder" 11.07.2012, № DGU 02,563 Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Beknazarova S.S./ "Electronical mediakurs in Physics" 02.09.2013 № 1356 Electronic Depository «Avtor.uz» State Fundamental Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Beknazarova S.S./ "TIAV-multimedia system-mediaedu.uz", 25.11.2014 № 2181 Electronic Depository «Avtor.uz» State Fundamental Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Sayfiev EE, FF Juraev, Rasulaev MM Khasanov NB, Beknazarova S.S./ "Funny English", 25.11.2014 № 2182 Electronic Depository «Avtor.uz» State Fundamental Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Nazarov AI, Tursunbaev FK, MS Yakubov, Turgunov MR Beknazarova S.S., NS Muhamedaminova / "Logistics airflows Navoi region" 12.11.2014 № 2156, Electronic Depository «Avtor.uz» State Fundamental Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science
- Beknazarova Saida Safibullaevna,thesis ishning mavzusi: "Methods of modeling discrete-continuous processing of information resources in TIAV- multimedia systems" 05.13.04 - "Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks" Scientific consultant - d. Physics and Mathematics, Professor. KP Abdurakhmanov
- Nuraliev Fakhriddin Murodillaevich,thesis ishning mavzusi: "Mathematical modeling of the impact of electromagnetic fields on the thin conductive body by R-functions" 05.13.06 - "Mathematical modeling. Numerical methods and program complexes Scientific adviser - d.f.-m. Sc., prof. Nazirov Sh
- Turaev Botir Zokirovich,- thesis ishning mavzusi "Bўlazhak computer Islands Akhborot tehnologiyalari mutahassislari Kasbah kompetentligini shakllantirishning innovative techniques tizimi" 13.00.07 - "Aniқ Islands tabiy fanlarni ўқitish metodikasi." Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Professor. Abduқodirov AA
- Anarova Shakhzoda Amanbaevna,- theme of the dissertation: “Mathematical models and algorithms of solutions of linear and geometrically nonlinear problems of spatial loading rods of complex configuration”, 01.05.07 - “Mathematical modeling. Numerical methods and software complexes” Scientific consultant - Dr.Sc. prof. Yuldashev T.
- A.Nazirov, F.N.Nuraliyev, B.Z. To'rayev, "Computer graphics and design" manual.
- Sh.Muxamadiev, B.Z.Turayev's manual on "3D modeling and digital animation"
- Beknazarova S.S., Kayumova G.А. Methodical manual for practical training on "Mass Media Communication"
- Nuraliyev FM, Nabiyev I.Sh. Methodical manual for practical and laboratory classes for students of special correspondence department on "Computer graphics"
- M.Narzulloev "Methods of audio video montage"
- Sh.Mukhamadiyev, the lecture text for students of correspondence department on "Computer graphics"
- Sh.Mukhamadiyev, lecture text for students of the subject "3D modeling and digital animation"
- Sh.Mukhamadiyev, G.A Qayumova, M.M.Rasulbaev, methodical manual on "Computer graphics and practical software tools"
- Kurbanov S.K., English methodical manual for practical training on "3D modeling and digital animation"
- Beknazarova S.S, preparation of methodical manual on the subject "Mass Media Communication"
- Beknazarova S.S, methodical manual on the subject "Mediation technologies in university"
- Nuraliyev F.M, Kayumova G.A. Methodical Guidelines for Laboratory Exercises on Computer Graphics and Design Section 1
- Nuraliyev F.M, Nabiyev I.h. Methodical Guideline for Laboratory Exercises on Computer Graphics and Design Section 2
- Nuraliyev F.M, Aytmuradov B. Methodical manual for laboratory exercises on "Computer graphics and design" section 3
- Abdurakhimova S.V., "Audio Post Production" methodical guide
List of scientific works of the faculty:
- Sh. Mukhamadiev, "New technologies for the formation of an education information system”, Modern education, Tashkent, 2015, №1, pp.36-40.
- Nuraliyev F.M., Anarova Sh.A., "Study of Stressed State of Elastic Prismatic Bodies of Arbitrary Section with a Cavity in Problems of Constraint Torsion”, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR) Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2015, PP 1-15 ISSN 2347-307X (Print) & ISSN 2347-3142 (Online)
- Beknazarova S.S., Qayumova G.A., "Mobile application for defines reliability information kids found on the internet”, News of science and education № 14(14)2014, SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD, 2014, pp.85-88
- Beknazarova S.S., Qayumova G.A., "Kid’s found on the internet – mobile application for defines reliability information”, Australian Journal of Scientific Research No.1. (5), January-June, VOLUME IV, "Adelaide University Press” 2014.
- Mirzaev N.M., "Algorithms for contour separation of objects based on non-standard clusters”, "Problem of information and energetics” Uzbekistan journal, Tashkent, 2014, №4 pp.56-61.
- Turayev B.Z., " An interactive method for assessing the professional competence of future employees based on CASE-learning technology”, Modern education, Tashkent, 2015, №1, pp.29-35.
- Beknazarova S.S., "Expert Media Education System”, Modern education, Tashkent, 2015, №1, pp.23-28.
- Turayev B.Z., " Development of a methodological framework for teaching specialized subjects related to computer science and information technology”, News of N.U.Uz. – Tashkent, 2014. – № 3., pp. 215-220
- Turayev B.Z., " Independent learning is a means of shaping students' professional competence.”, “Social and humanitarian sciences in education system” scientific and methodical journal. – Tashkent, 2013. – №4. pp. 62-66.
- Mukhamadiyev A. Sh. Ravshanov N., “An Approximate Analytical Solution of the Problem of Fluid Filtration in the Multilayer Porous Medium”, No. 6 (2016) 1650042 (10 pages) Korea.
- Тuraev B.Z., “Formation of professional competence of future professionals in computer science and information technology”, No. 2, 2016 pp. 29-35.
- Beknazarova S.S. Qayumova G.A., “Optimization of media resource transportation”, 2(4) April 2016, p.44-45 Kiev.
- Khasimova Sh.T., “ On one possibility of adequate reflection of semantics in the databases of information systems”, 2016. №18 september, pp. 39-40 Russia.
- Тurayev B.Z. «Features teaching method of "Banks and databases" the formation of the professional competence of future IT professionals”, Eastern European Scientific Journal. – Germany, 2016. – №6. рр. 159-163.
Applied scientific cooperation:
- National Broadcasting Company;
- Tashkent College of Communication;
- Tashkent college radio and television;
Address of the Department: Block B, 3 floors, rooms 307, 308, 309, 418