
Dear professors, teachers and applicants!

Menu | 05-06-2024 | 14:55

We invite you to a scientific seminar on discussion of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences Qodirov Azamat Almat o‘g‘li titled “Models and algorithms for distribution of network resources and coordination of data transmission processes”, presented on the specialty 05.04.01 – “Telecommunication and computer systems, telecommunication networks and information devices. Distribution of information”.

Dear professors, teachers and applicants!

Menu | 05-06-2024 | 14:42

We invite you to a scientific seminar on approbation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, prepared by Norkobilov Salim Abdukhamidovich on the theme of “Model and algorithms for remote monitoring of cotton bales in fire hazardous areas”, presented in the specialty 05.04.02-“Radio engineering, radionavigation, radiolocation and television systems and devices. Mobile, fibrous-optical communication systems”.

International Game and Animation Festival

Menu | 29-05-2024 | 09:27

📌We invite you to the first International Game and Animation Festival in Uzbekistan

Attention TUIT 3rd-4th grade students!

Menu | 29-05-2024 | 09:17

✅ Announces the launch of the ninth "Seeds for the Future" project for students of Uzbekistan. Technical specialties (STEM) senior students (3rd and 4th year students as of September 2024) can participate in the competition. The "Seed for the Future" project will be organized by Huawei's regional office in the Middle East and Central Asia, particularly in Qatar and the UAE, in September of this year.