
Agreement on cooperation with ORACLE company

30-09-2019 | 08:48

At the invitation of ORACLE, doctoral student, senior lecturer at the Department of Information Technology T. Khuzhakulov and deputy dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering TUIT Kh. Zhiyanbekov visited the office of ORACLE, where they met with leading managers for production of software products and other areas.

TUIT teachers met with founder of blockchain technology

26-09-2019 | 12:49

As we previously reported, doctoral student, senior lecturer at the Department of Information Technology of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi T. Khuzhakulov, as well as deputy dean of the faculty of computer engineering H.Zhiyanbekov on September 16-22 at the invitation of ORACLE company participated in the conference "ORACLE OPEN WORLD 2019 "and a training seminar held in the city of San Francisco, California, USA.

To the attention of teachers and researchers!

26-09-2019 | 11:09

We invite you to take part in a meeting devoted to defending the dissertation of Tashtemirova Nadira Nematullaevna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, specialty 05.01.07 - “Mathematical Modeling. Numerical methods and software package” on topic: “ Development of a mathematical model and calculation algorithm for the prediction of particulate matter distribution in the atmosphere, considering soil erosion ”.

The monitoring visit for the HiEdTec project

24-09-2019 | 07:53

The monitoring visit for the HiEdTec project - "Modernization of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies" was implemented by Kudratkhon Bakhadirov and Gulshoda Karlibaeva, NEO Uzbekistan experts on 19 September 2019 at Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE). The purpose of the visit is to learn about the activities realised and products developed so far, as well as to observe if the project has encountered any problems in operational or financial implementation that can be discussed and solved.

To the attention of journalists!

06-09-2019 | 09:12

On September 4, 2019, the private entrepreneur A.T. Abduvahidov and 5 members of his family who engaged in the sale of stationery and other items organized a demonstration outside the main campus of the university.

Statement of the Tashkent university of information technologies named after Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi about video films distributed in social networks

06-09-2019 | 08:54

The authority of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi has repeatedly received complaints from students about expensive prices for various office supplies sold by A.T. Abduvakhidov.