
TUIT agrees on cooperation with Syracuse university (USA)

04-10-2019 | 10:37

Doctoral student, senior lecturer at the Department of Information Technology T. Khuzhakulov and deputy dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering at TUIT Kh. Zhiyanbekov visited Syracuse University in the USA and met with the head of the international department of Sue Corieri, as well as university professors.

Conference on “Innovation, investment, informatization” was held in TUIT

04-10-2019 | 08:27

On October 4 this year, at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi a conference on the theme: “Innovation , investments, informatization" was organized by the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for innovative development, information policy and information technology in cooperation with the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

To the attention of students who wish to study at higher military institutions!

04-10-2019 | 04:28

A list of areas of education has been approved by which candidates for training at the Military Technical Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan are selected.

Meeting with representatives of “Milliy tiklanish” party

03-10-2019 | 11:28

On September 30 this year, at a meeting of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which organized at International Press Center, elections for deputies to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and local councils of deputies of the Republic of Uzbekistan are assigned, which will be held on December 22, 2019.

We invite you to participate on Open Source Software Technology Seminar

03-10-2019 | 10:58

Based on the signed Memorandum between Tashkent University of Information Technologies and National Information Promotion Agency (Korea Republic), the delegation of NIPA expert group will visit TUIT during October 15-17, 2019 y. to organize “Open Source Software Technology Seminar” for the students and professor-teachers.

Professor TUIT has been awarded with the breast sign of the “International common wealth of libraries” by the president of Kyrgyzstan library consortium!

02-10-2019 | 07:46

As it was previously reported, professors and teachers of TUIT took part in the work of the Issyk-Kul 2019 international conference on the formation of a digital environment in the development of science, education, culture and business.