

24-02-2019 | 09:40

On November 10, 2018, the International Futsal Championship among student teams of universities in Tashkent was launched. It took place at the International University of Westminster and the sports complex of the University of Singapore in Tashkent.

Meeting with Webster university representatives

20-02-2019 | 11:47

On February 20, at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, a meeting was held between Chief Innovation Officer and Vice President for New Business of Webster University (USA) John Pyle, Provost, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Julian Z. Schuster with the management of TUIT and students who are willing to pass the documents for the Master in Business Administration (MBA) Webster University.

Visit to “Game Stream” company

20-02-2019 | 05:31

As it was previously reported, TUIT teachers undergo an internship at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics. On February 18, TUIT teachers, at the initiative of the Belarusian side, visited the headquarters of the company Game Stream.

Open dialogue with students

19-02-2019 | 13:32

The rector of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi Teshabayev Tulkin Zakirovich provided meeting with students.

Great ruler and poet

14-02-2019 | 17:22

On February 14, in connection with the 536th anniversary of birth of the great statesman and poet Zahriddin Muhammad Babur, the Great Ruler and Poet, spiritual and educational event was held in the House of Students № 1 at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

Heroes forever

13-02-2019 | 13:04

On February 13, the cultural and educational event “Unforgettable Heroes” was held at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, organized jointly with the Veteran Union of Veteran Soldiers and Disabled People of Uzbekistan.