

15-06-2021 | 09:29

Detailed information: Instruments for scientific laboratories of six higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, planned openings under the international ERASMUS + program of the SPACECOM project. A detailed description of the equipment, the necessary documents and conditions of the tender are given in the appendix

Visiting the historical museum of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications.

05-06-2021 | 19:28

There is no future without history. In fact, every passing day is engraved in the pages of history. This means that even “today” becomes history.

Job fest 2021

01-06-2021 | 12:08

Of course, work is a resource for everyone, and for many of us, it is even a pleasure to do the work we love, especially.

Our Youth Future

01-06-2021 | 11:54

There must be no people who don’t love children, who don’t respect them, who don’t care about them, and if there are some, they are heartless people. It is definitely my opinion.


Activity | 22-04-2021 | 14:49

New and Innovative Courses for Precision Agriculture (NICOPA). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.

Metting in Jizzakh Politechnical institute

07-04-2021 | 12:10

The INTRAS project team in Uzbekistan is taking part in a seminar of partners at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute