
Our Youth Future

01-06-2021 | 11:54

There must be no people who don’t love children, who don’t respect them, who don’t care about them, and if there are some, they are heartless people. It is definitely my opinion.


Activity | 22-04-2021 | 14:49

New and Innovative Courses for Precision Agriculture (NICOPA). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.

Metting in Jizzakh Politechnical institute

07-04-2021 | 12:10

The INTRAS project team in Uzbekistan is taking part in a seminar of partners at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

Qalam bilan dunyoni olgan daho

06-02-2021 | 19:23

Bugungi kunda butun respublikamiz boʻylab oʻzbek mumtoz adabiyotining yirik vakili, oʻzbek adabiy tilining asoschisi, buyuk qomusiy olim va mutafakkir, ulugʻ donishmand, davlat arbobi, oʻz davrining madaniy hayotiga rahbar, ilm-fan, sanʼat va adabiyot ahliga homiy, murabbiy va ustoz, buyuk alloma,


11-12-2020 | 01:23

Tender for purchasing the equipment for six universities within the SPACECOM project Please, send the proposals till 2020.12.17 By post to the address:

Opportunities for the development of international cooperation in the framework of the UNICAC project of the European Union

17-10-2020 | 18:30

On October 15, 2020, during the ERASMUSDAYS week was held an online seminar within the UNICAC project by Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.