The Rector's Cup competition is taking place.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations was tasked with studying 116 universities, developing a program for their expansion, and defining specific criteria for granting them the status of a "national", "state" university, academy or institute.
A meeting dedicated to priority tasks in the social sphere began under the chairmanship of the president. The head of our state also objected to the activities of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.
Our cybersportsmen won over Qatar as a worthy response to the defeat of our national football team against Qatar! The AFC eAsian Cup was held parallel to the Asian Championship, and we congratulate our e-athletes on their worthy participation and victory over the Qatari team!
Nokia will stop producing mobile communication devices.
🖼 A photo from the "Rector's Cup" competition with the participation of university students, which is taking place these days.