Grantees of the "Business IT" project have been selected

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  • Grantees of the "Business IT" project have been selected

The following are announced as the winners of the full grant program announced within the "Business IT" project being implemented at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in cooperation with South Korea's KOOKMIN University.

For Master's program:

TUIT Computer Engineering Faculty graduate - Suvonov Nurbek.

TUIT Economics and Management in the field of ICT Faculty graduate - Kholmonov Jonibek.

TUIT Computer Engineering Faculty graduate - Ergashev Mukhammadjon

TUIT Telecommunication Technologies Faculty graduate - Abdullayev Sukhrobjon,

Fergana branch of TUIT, Software Engineering Faculty graduate, - Murodjonov Samandar.

🎉Congratulations to the winners on their achievements!!!