On January 10 of this year, an interview was held at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi with candidates who applied for the master's and PhD grant programs announced within the framework of the "Business IT" project implemented jointly with KOOKMIN University of South Korea. The winners of the competition are announced as follows.
For the master's program:
👀Khurazboev Mirjalol Abdubakir ugli, graduate of the Faculty of Software Engineering of TUIT
👀Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Management of TUIT in the field of ICT - Yusupov Jamshidbek Islambek ugli
For doctoral program:
👀Graduate of the Fergana branch of TUIT - Gulomkodirov Khumoyun Utkirjon ugli
🎉Congratulations to the winners on these achievements!!!