
Today marks the 686th anniversary of the birth of the great statesman and commander Amir Temur

09-04-2022 | 15:36

Amir Temur, Temur, Temurbek (full name Amir Temur ibn Amir Taragay ibn Amir Barkul) (born on 9 April 1336 in the village of Khoja Ilgor (now Yakkabag district) near the town of Kesh Shahrisabza. He died in Otrar on 18 February 1405 on his way to China. Amir Temur was a great medieval statesman, a great commander, founder of a strong centralized state, patron of science and culture.

The entrepreneurs and businessmen movement of the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi signed a memorandum with the Fergana Regional Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.

08-04-2022 | 09:06

The main purpose of the memorandum is to improve the work on the selection and promotion of a new generation of qualified personnel who meet the requirements of the time in organizing political, patriotic, party work, as well as involving them in the process of building a legal democratic state and a strong civil society in the country.

The teaching staff of “Audiovisual Technologies” Department of “Television Technologies” Faculty of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi visited the secondary school No. 84 in Shaikhantakhur district in Tashkent.

08-04-2022 | 08:52

In accordance with the interests of students of grades 10-11 studying at the school, study groups were organized in the subjects “3D modeling and digital animation”, “computer graphics”, “digital recording technology”, and a “master class” was held from these circles.

A seminar on artificial intelligence was organized with the participation of foreign experts

05-04-2022 | 14:21

On April 4, a delegation led by Marko Grobelnik, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Center of the Joseph Stefan Institute (Slovenia), held a seminar at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

Happy Navruz!

21-03-2022 | 00:57

On such a beautiful day, the staff of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi congratulates everyone on the holiday of awakening, rejuvenation, purification and renewal - Navruz!