
“Мир - высшая ценность”

21-11-2018 | 05:44

В Ташкентском университете информационных технологий имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий прошло духовно-просветительское мероприятие на тему: «В исламе нет места экстремизму и терроризму».

Meetings with students

20-11-2018 | 13:00

On November 17, at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, in collaboration with the Hokimiyat of the Yunusabad district and activists of the Khiyobontepa Mahalla, a spiritual and educational event was organized under the motto: "We are all responsible for the development of our country."

Supporting innovative ideas of students

20-11-2018 | 12:46

On November 17, in TUIT, together with the British Council in Uzbekistan and the University of London Metropoliten, a training seminar was held on supporting students' innovative ideas and developing their business skills in the framework of the "Big Idea Challenge" competition.


16-11-2018 | 13:24

В Ташкентском университете информационных технологий имени Мухаммада ал-Хоразмий открыта “ORACLE ACADEMY”.

To the attention of Teaching staff

14-11-2018 | 12:47

We invite you to take part in a scientific seminar devoted to discussing the dissertation of Boltibaev Shukhratzhan Komilyanovich and Yakhshibaev Döner Sultonbaevich

To the attention of teaching staff!

13-11-2018 | 11:30

On November 17, 2018 at 14:00 defense of dissertation work of Abdujapparova Mubarak Baltabaevna on the topic "Development of a method for assessing the bandwidth of a broadband access telecommunications network" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences