The Government Decree "On Measures of improving and increasing the effectiveness of personnel training system of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi" was adopted.
Based on the signed memorandum with KOREA DATA AGENCY, TUIT students will be provided with free software licenses for database analysis and monitoring in the future.
27 iyun - 24 iyul kunlari Janubiy Koreyaning Milliy axborot jamiyati agentligi (NIA) hamkorligida Songyungvan universitetidan 14 nafar talabalar tomonidan TATUning Urgench va Nukus filiallarida 80 nafardan ortiq talabalarga “AKT sohasida dasturiy ta’minotlar” mavzusida o‘quv-trening kursi tashkil etildi.
24 teachers of TUIT from July 17 to July 31 will take advanced training courses at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Engineering.
On July 24 of current year qualifying exams for academic lyceums of TUIT and its regional branches for the 2018/2019 school year will be held.
The training seminar "Creating mobile applications", organized from June 29 to July 13, within the framework of international cooperation with the Korean National University of Transport (KNUT), was successfully completed.