
On September 19, a delegation from the leading higher education institution of Latvia - Riga Technical University, the company Baltijas Datoru Akademia (BDA), offering training courses in the field of information technology, and the company Talzy, providing employment for talented youth, headed by a representative of the Embassy of Latvia in Uzbekistan, organized a visit to TUIT.

Menu | 20-09-2024 | 09:44

The purpose of the visit was to discuss collaboration opportunities in the field of information and communication technologies between TUIT and Latvian universities and companies. During the visit, all parties presented their proposals and agreed to collaborate in mutually beneficial areas.

A number of measures are being taken to ensure the implementation of the tasks set by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on youth policy and comprehensive support for young people.

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As part of measures to establish and strengthen cooperation with international universities, to organize branches of departments at industry enterprises and organizations, the administration and professors of the Urgench branch of TUIT visited India.

The opening ceremony and the first seminar for the course on "Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (AI and Deep Learning)" by Chinese professors were held at Building F of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

Menu | 19-09-2024 | 09:08

The opening ceremony and the first seminar for the course on "Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (AI and Deep Learning)" by Chinese professors were held at Building F of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

A delegation led by Zhang Liqun, the president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, one of China's leading partner institutions, visited Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT).

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During the meeting, the leaders of both universities discussed issues outlined in the Cooperation Roadmap, which includes academic and scientific exchanges, the establishment of joint educational programs, and the organization of joint IT courses between Xi'an Jiaotong University and TUIT.

As part of ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN 2024, a "Huawei ICT Talent Summit" training session was held at the CAEx Hall 1 exhibition center.

Menu | 19-09-2024 | 08:53

The summit will discuss key issues of developing digital skills and supporting young talents in the field of technology. Huawei ICT Academy, representatives of international organizations and universities will talk about opportunities for students and share the latest achievements in the field of educational technologies. Detailed information about the ICT competition for 2024-2025 is also provided.