
Special tactical doctrines of structures of civil protection was held in TUIT

08-06-2018 | 06:03

On June 7 of the current year special tactical exercises "Actions in case of emergency natural and man-made situations and elimination of their consequences by working personnel to objects and structures of civil protection" was held in TUIT.

Scientific seminar!

07-06-2018 | 11:18

On June 9, we invite you to take part in the defense of dissertation of A.A. Makhkamov for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences and dissertation of Mirzaev O.N. for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences

Scientific seminar

07-06-2018 | 10:17

We invite you to take part in the scientific seminar dedicated to the discussion of the dissertation of Elov Botir Boltaevich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Attention! "Young Reader" Contest!

04-06-2018 | 14:17

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 12, 2018, PD -№ 3721, “On the organization of competitions of book lovers among young people for the purpose of wide study and propaganda of creative heritage of our great scientists, poets and thinkers" the “Young Reader" contest is held

Scientific seminar!

04-06-2018 | 05:45

We invite you to a scientific seminar on the approbation of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences A.Sh. Shakobiddinov on topic "Models of distribution of electromagnetic field levels of mobile communication stations in a megalopolis"

Students, Attention!

31-05-2018 | 09:46

Dear students! The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces the holding of the Republican contest "Student of the Year" among students of higher educational institutions.