"Exemlary department" contest to be held at TUIT and its branches

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  • "Exemlary department" contest to be held at TUIT and its branches

In order to enhance the activities of departments,  strengthen the degree of the quality of education, improve the academic potential of the university, raise the ranking of the university in the republic and the world, as well as to discover and promote highly experienced departments, increase their fame and to maintain healthy competition and creative environment among departments, TUIT and its branches have written a statute on "Exemplary department", which was confirmed with the decree number 664 of the University Council on November 24, 2016, and the order number 1397 of the university on December 15, 2016.

The main objective of organizing the contest are:

  • discover and promote highly experienced departments, increase their fame and to maintain healthy competition and creative environment among departments
  • widen the production and international relations of the departments
  • promote the role of the departments in raising the rankings of the university
  • popularize the activities of highly experienced departments within the university
  • harmonize the mechanisms of innovation and education which serve the cooperation of higher eduaction, science and practice.
According to the confirmed statute, the departments who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the "Exemplary contest" will be given the prize money of 20 million, 10 million and 5 million soums respectively.
According to the statute the contest, academic, scientific and methodological, organizational, research and spiritual activities of the departments during the academic year will be taken into account (the criteria are highlighted in the statute).
Regional branches host the contest within themselves following the statute (a separate commission will be set up with the order of the director at the branches).
On this occasion, departments were assigned to prepare and formulate all the necessary documents, and collect them as seperate folders by the end of the academic year 2016-2017, so as to participate in the contest. 

Statute on the "Exemplary department" contest