Open talk with the rector

T. Z. Teshaboyev, the rector of TUIT, held his subsequent open talk with students. It has become a tradition for the rector to hold open talks with students. Continuing the tradition, he held an open talk with fourth year students of faculty of Computer Engineering. During the talk, they discussed academic activities, preparation for doing graduation work, internal regulations of the university, procedures and conditions of the student dormitories, and moral rules for the students. The rector talked about Uzbek traditions, such as greeting, conformity of outlook and outfit. He emphasized that the main factor of the politics of the State of Uzbekistan is the youth, the main objective behind all the reforms being implemented is the youth, the adoption of the resolutions and decrees aimed at developing the youth centered politics, implementation of the measurements - all of which are opening opportunities for the youth in the country, and that they should deploy these opportunities in prosperous ways. Particularly, the events in the world make one be more conscious and careful. They advised that the students, especially thos coming from the other regions, should get residence permits and give real information on their residence. In addition, he gave information on the academic process. He pointed out that a students a student is given a caution if the number of hours he missed classes exceeds 12, a reprimand for more than 36 hours and is expelled for more than 74 hours. He also informed that students about the agreement being signed nowadays among the teacher and the student, and that any breaking of the rules highlighted would cause respective measurements. The students were advised to learn foreign languages, get involved in the centres under the university and gain certificates, do research, pay attention to publishing articles, and do graduation works. At the end of the open talk, he listened to the opinions of the students and answered their questions.