Currently, the IV Russia-Uzbekistan educational forum "Future educational space: new competencies, innovations, technologies" is being held in Vladivostok, Russian Federation.

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  • Currently, the IV Russia-Uzbekistan educational forum "Future educational space: new competencies, innovations, technologies" is being held in Vladivostok, Russian Federation.

About 150 participants from the Administrations of the Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, ministries of education, IT, culture and cultural heritage, youth organizations, more than 70 higher and professional educational institutions, including TUIT rector B. Makhkamov, took part in it. is doing.

According to the program, the plenary meeting of the forum was held first. Odil Abdurahmanov, Head of the Department of Social Development of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shahrukh Daliyev, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Igor Maslov, Head of the Department of Regional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries of the President of the Russian Federation, The Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia, Konstantin Mogilyovsky, made a speech and spoke about the importance of the works being carried out in the field of bilateral education, development of science and innovation, their results and prospective plans.