On May, 16-17th sports competitions on mini-football, table tennis and chess were held among teachers and employees, devoted to May, 9th – the Day of memory and honors in TUIT.

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  • On May, 16-17th sports competitions on mini-football, table tennis and chess were held among teachers and employees, devoted to May, 9th – the Day of memory and honors in TUIT.
On May, 16-17th sports competitions on mini-football, table tennis and chess were held among teachers and employees, devoted to May, 9th - Day of memory and honors in TUIT. Teachers of all departments and employees of university took part in this competition.
On the first day of the competition, a mini-football tournament took place, in which representatives of all faculties and departments took part. According to its results, the first place was given to the team of the Faculty of Software Engineering; the second place was taken by collective of faculties. Vocational education and an honorable 3rd place were given to the team of the department of operational and economic service. The winners were presented with memorable gifts and a passing cup.
On the second day of the competition there were table tennis and chess among women and men. According to the results of the chess competitions, A.Mamatov, the head of the physical training department, took the first place, the 2nd place was occupied by the assistant of the Department of Information and Library Systems B. Zulfikarov, the third place was given to the chief engineer of the operational and economic service M.Nazarov. Among the women, the first place in chess was taken by the senior teacher M. Doshanov. In table tennis competitions, the first place was won by the head of the physical education department O. Erdonov, the 2nd place was taken by A.Mamatov. M. Nazarov took the 3rd place.
Representatives of the TUIT trade union committee presented memorable gifts to all prize winners.