The Law "On the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted at the VII session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 18 November 1991.The state flag and its emblem symbolize historical ties with the ancient states of modern Uzbekistan and embody the national and cultural traditions of the republic. The blue color on the flag is a symbol of eternal sky and obliqueness, reflecting the vitality of life. In the language of the symbols, it means goodness, wisdom, honesty, fame and devotion. Therefore, the flag of Amir Temur's state was blue.
The white color on the flag is a symbol of the holy peace, and it is blended with the light of the day and the light of the universe. White is a reflection of purity, indifference, cleanliness, cleanness of dreams, aspiration to inner beauty. Green color is a symbol of renewal of nature. It is a symbol of youth, hope and joy in many nations. The red stripes represent the tide of vital force flowing in our body. The depiction of the crescent is related to our historical traditions. It is also a symbol of our independence. Stars are considered to be priests, divine symbols for all. The 12 stars of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan are directly related to our historical traditions and ancient agendas. Our attention to our twelve stars is also explained by the development of intelligence in the scientific minds of the ancient states of Uzbekistan.
The 12-star image of our state flag should be understood as the embodiment of the ancient culture of the Uzbek people, its perfection, and its commitment to it soil.