Head of the Department:
Iminova Nargizaxon Akramovna
Department of "Economics" was founded in 1971, as a result of the division of the Department of "Political Economy" into two independent departments. It was initially named "Economics, Planning and Management of Communication Enterprises". From 1971 to 1974 the Head of the Department was Dr. Mansirev.
From 1974 to 1986, the Head of the Department was associate professor Dr. Butkeyev. From 1986 to 1991, associate professor Dr. Yakovlev worked as the Head of the Department.
During the years of 1991 through 2011, the Head of the Department was associate professor Dr. Butkeyeva, who was one of the renowned experts of her profession.
In accordance with the establishment of the new Faculty of Engineering and Economics by the Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 175 of May 20th 1996, the new department of "Economics of Communications Enterprises" was founded and separated from the existing department.
On December 13th 2002, the department of "Economics of Communications Enterprises" was renamed to the Department of “Economics” by the order of the Rector of the University.
The Head of the Department of “Economics” was Dr. Sindarev from 2012 to 2013.
As a result of the further improvements of the personnel training system in the field of information and communication technologies and in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 26th, 2013 PQ-1942, a new course "Economics and management in the field of ICT" was established and the admission of students to this course began from the 2013-2014 academic year. Since 2013 the department has been called "Economics in the field of ICT".
In the years of 2013 through 2016, the Head of the department was Dr. Achilova. From September 4th, 2016 to October 10th, 2016, the department was headed by Dr. Kobulov.
Since October 12th, 2016, this department has been headed by associate professor Dr. Iminova.
The teachers of the department have been participating in seminars and in international, republican scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conferences, which are devoted to problems related to the scientific topics of the department. In addition, the teachers of the department regularly publish scientific articles in republican and foreign journals.
Economics and management in the field of ICT:
Digital economy (Information and communication technologies)
MASTER'S DEGREE programmes:
Electronic commerce
Digital economy
Bachelor's degree:
- Principles of accounting ;
- Assessment of organizational risks ;
- Applied econometrics ;
- Microeconomics ;
- Macroeconomics ;
- International economics ;
- Statistics ;
- Taxes and taxation ;
- Pricing theory ;
- Insurance business ;
- Digital economy and innovation ;
- Business in stock markets ;
- Modern political economy (BGIUR) .
- Industry 4.0
- Applied econometrics ;
- Business evaluation ;
- Analysis and modeling of business processes ;
- Business strategy
- Iminova Nargizakhan Akramovna - associate professor, head of department
- Byung Gwun Choy – Professor
- Bobojonova Zarnigor Shokirovna - associate professor (PhD)
- Khasanova Nigora Askarovna - associate professor (PhD)
- Soliyeva Barno Torabayevna associate professor (PhD)
- Khudaynazarova Dilorom Khairullaevna - senior teacher (PhD)
- Usmanova Sabokhat Sobid qizi -assistant teacher
- Akramova Gulnora Abduvokhidovna - senior teacher
- Mirzarakhimova Aziza Azimdjanovna - senior teacher
- Mamatkulov Gulomjon Rustamovich - senior teacher
- Babakhanova Dildora Rustamovna - assistant teacher
- Hakimov Saydahror Azatovich - assistant teacher
- Kurbanova Durdona Bokhodir qizi - assistant teacher
- Iminova N.A. ‘Industry 4.0 study guide 2023’
- To’raev Sh., Bozorov R. ‘Taxes and Taxation Study Guide 2023’
- Makhkamov B., To'raev Sh.. ‘Statistics study guide 2023’
- Khudaynazarova D.X. "Applied econometrics" study guide 2023
- Akramova G., Mirzarakhimova A. Study guide "Contemporary economy" 2022
- Akramova G.A. "Economics" study guide 2022
- Iminova N.A., Khasanova N.A, – Study guide for the subject "Theory of pricing" 2020
- Akramova G.A, Mukhamadalieva N.B, – Study guide on "Economics" 2020
- Akramova G.A, Mukhamadalieva N.B, - Study guide on "Economics of Investment Project" 2020
- Mukhamadalieva N.B, Akramova G.A, Zukhurova N.A - "Principles of Accounting" study guide 2020
- Turaev Sh.Sh., Toshev F.Z, Khasanova N.A, - "Tax and taxation" study guide
- Mukhamadalieva N.B, Akramova G.A, – Microeconomics study guide 2020
- Sindarov Sh.E., Khudaynazarova DX, - "Econometrics" study guide 2019
- Iminov T.K., Butabaev M.T., Iminova N.A. - "Digital economy" textbook 2019
- Kuchkarov T.S, Eshmuradov A., Khudaynazarova D.X, - "Econometrics" study guide 2019
- Makhkamov B.Sh. - "Monography" 2021
- Turaev Sh.Sh. - "Monography" 2021
- Iminova N.A. - "Monography" 2021
"Transfer of application of master's programme technologies of US universities at TUIT" Project leader : DSc Tashev K.A., Project cost: 140,000 USD
As part of the project, a visit to the prestigious California State University in the USA
As part of the project, a visit to the prestigious Florida International University in the USA
Meeting with department veterans