On June 24, the "Career Days" job fair was organized at the TUIT Samarkand branch.

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  • On June 24, the "Career Days" job fair was organized at the TUIT Samarkand branch.

With the help of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a job fair in IT companies and industry enterprises of the Samarkand region was organized for young students of TUIT Samarkand branch and graduates of schools, technical schools and lyceums. At the event:

- Digital Education Development Center;

- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi;

- ITPU University;

- Amity University in Tashkent;

- Officials of INHA University in Tashkent participated in the event with promotional programs about the university.

TUIT Samarkand branch press service