The goal of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi is to become a leading university with a rich tradition and international recognition. We strive for further development of science and technology for the benefit of society. The members of the University strive to build a modern research-educational-industrial institution for the next generation based on the principle of sustainable development, which will contribute to the future of the nation and humanity.


Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi is recognized as a potential university with a rich historical tradition in the Republic and other countries. Our goal is to continue developing the science and technology for the benefit of our society.

We contribute to formation the future of our country using innovative and technology-based methods. We are fully aware of our responsibility for society not only because of our history, but also because we must adhere to ethical and humane standards in our research and teaching activities.

It is well known that research and education in the exact sciences are closely linked to the humanities and social sciences. All our scientific and educational activities only serve for the interests of our people.

Members of our university are also active in promoting gender equality, family education and improving working conditions. We provide equal opportunities for all university staff and never let to discriminate. We also rely on the principles of diversity of worldviews and opinions in our teaching and research activities.


- We provide a general overview of interesting and practice-oriented data. The widest range of our disciplines and the development of future scientific conversations and interdepartmental research and relationships with our partners.


- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi is an educational institution that provides students with the academic knowledge necessary for their development as a high-qualified specialists. The wide range of subjects offered by the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi provides students with inter-university education, which reflects the social and global mission of the university. Continuous education in the field of science is an integral part of university education and forms the basis for lifelong research. We consider the concept of innovation as an important foundation of the sustainable development  of our university. Regularly we improve the quality of teaching by setting out to improve constantly the skills of teachers by supporting communication between teachers and students.

Providing practice-oriented knowledge

We support the exchange of knowledge and technology between the university and the internship. We form strategic alliances with companies, universities and extracurricular research institutes. We encourage innovation through spin-offs and help members of the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi to set up companies. We hold public discussions as a part of the regional and national branch and maintain our relationships with graduates.


Organizational culture

- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi presents itself as an educational institution that constantly develops human resources. All social groups are actively involved in the most optimal organizational and management structures and university life. We consciously use our facilities and resources in a safe and environmentally sound manner. We encourage our young researchers to find suitable jobs.