Head of Department:
t.f.d. Kerimov Kamil Fikratovich
The Department of "System and Applied Programming" at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies was founded in August 2013 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 26, 2013 No. PP-1942 "On measures to further improve the training system in the field of information and communication technologies" , as well as the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2013 No. 188 “On improving the organizational structure of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies and its regional branches” and the order of the rector of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies dated August 29, 2013 No. 905.
List of subjects of the department:
Bachelor's degree:
- System Programming
- Web application development
- Software economics
- Data structure and algorithms
- Design and evolution of software
Master's degree:
- Individual and group programming
- IT project management
- Software testing
- Working with BIG DATA
The composition of the department
- Kerimov K.F. – Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Nishanov Ahram Xasanovich - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Latipova N. Kh. - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Marysheva L.T. - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Akbarova M.Kh. - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Rakhmanov A.T. - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Tashpolatova N.B. - Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Khozhieva N.Zh., Associate Professor, Ph.D.
- Sharipov B.A. - Senior Lecturer
- Iskhakova N.P. - Senior Lecturer
- Buriev Yu., assistant
- Shoraimov Kh.U. - assistant
- Akhmadjonov I.K. - assistant
- Dzhangazova G.A. - assistant
- Axmadjonov I. - assistant
- Jangazova Q. - assistant
- Abduvalieva Z.- assistant
- Azizova Z - Senior Lecturer
In order to increase students' interest in the subjects taught at the department, scientific circles were organized. Members of circles and talented students of the department participate in scientific conferences with their scientific articles. Professors and teachers of the department conduct their pedagogical and scientific activities together with educational work with young people.
- Nishanov A., Jumanov J, Rahmanov A., Ro'zibayev O., Akbarova M ./ / matlabda dasturlash // 04/07/2022, No. 8(721) - sonli baennoma . Ilmiy kengashdan o'tkazilib , Grifga topshirilgan
- Mo ' minov , Shoraimov X. , Bo'riyev _ _ Yu ., Ibragimov J. , Xan I // Introduction to software engineering// 9.02.2022, Minutes No. 7 (719-720) Adopted by the Academic Council and submitted to the Grif
- Marisheva LT, Medetova KM ./ / Structure data and algorithms // 22.12.2021, №5(141) - sonli bayonnoma . Ilmiy kengashdan o'tkazilib , Grifga topshirilgan
- BASharipov , DZGanixodjaeva // “ Ma'lumotlar tuzilmasi va algorithm fanidan _ laboratoriya ishlarini bajarish bo'yicha uslubiy qo'llanma // 05/31/2022, Protocol No. 10(106)// Tashkent : Alokachi , 2022. - 100 p.
- AXNishanov , ESBabajonov // Elektron xizmatlar foydalanuvchanligini oshirish ( igov – maslahatmuhokama monitoring tizimi )// Monograph .: "IMPRESS MEDIA". Tashkent-2021. 302 p .
- Abdukhalil Ganiev Kamil Kerimov Zarina Azizova // Understanding of Data De-identification: Issues of Relevance and Problems//International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT) 2021
- Nishanov AH, Akbaraliev BB, Tajibaev , SK// About One Feature Selection Algorithm in Pattern Recognition// Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, 1323 AISC, str. 103–112
- Rakhmanov , A.Kh. _ _ Nishanov , OB Ruzibaev , OT Allamov .// On one method for solving the problem of multi-class classification.// International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research. Elsevier's Scopus , the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature
- Kunduz Medetova , Larisa Marisheva // Mathematical Model of the System for Student Progress Tracking// International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT) 2021
- Medetova K., Marisheva LT// Methods for determining the level of staff turnover in an organization// Central Asian journal of education and computer sciences (CAJECS), VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, APRIL 2022, 17-20 p.
- Gulyamov Sh.M ., Khojieva NJ, Latipova NX, Ganikhodjaeva DZ// Oxergy analysis of the installation of primary oil refining// Published in Volume 6 Issue 6, November - December 2021 of IEJRD. E-ISSN: 2349-0721, Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal 7.169
- Atoev S., Nishanov A., Abdirazakov F.// Object Tracking Method Based on Kalman Filter and Camshift Algorithm for UAV Applications// 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT)
- Shoraimov HU, Tashpulatova NB, Akbarova MX// Data protection against malware using machine learning techniques// International Engineering Journal for Research & Development.Vol.7. Issue 2. P.1-8 . ( wos )
- Nishanov AX, Allamov O., Ro'zibaev O., Abdullaev A., Allamova Sh.// An approach to finding the most optimal route in a dynamic graph// 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT)
- _ Akbarova , S.Kh. _ Akbarova // Problem for a model mixed parabolic equation in an unbounded domain// International scientific journal " Scientist of the XXI century ", No. 10 ISSN 2410-3586, October 2021, - R. 3-4
- Kerimov KF ., Tolipov DA // Methods protection intersitescriptin Ghana side client // International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research. Vol 11 Issue03, Mar 2022. -p. 71-75.
- Tashpulatova NB, Akbarova MX, Muxsinov Sh. Sh.// MUSIC PLAER mobil ilova // 11.11.2021 No. DGU 213582
- Marisheva LT, Medetova KM// Ish vaqtini hisobga olish automatlashtirilgan tizimi dastury ta'minoti // DGU 16283, 14.04.2022
- Shoraimov HU, Kerimov K. F// Protection WEB apps from web viruses// 03/28/2022 No. DGU 15299
- Shoraimov HU, Kerimov KF// WEB viruses detection// 03/28/2022 No. DGU 15300
- Shoraimov HU// Axborot tizimini Virus hujumidan himoyalash // 04/30/2022 No. DGU 15865
- UzInfocom center for the development and implementation of computer and information technologies
- EPAM Systems, Inc
E-mail address of professors and teachers of the department:
- Kerimov K.F.- kerimov@tuit.uz
- Nishanov Ahram Xasanovich –a.nishanov@tuit.uz
- Latipova N. X.- n.latipova@tuit.uz
- Marisheva L.T.- l.marisheva@tuit.uz
- Akbarova M. X.- m.akbarova@tuit.uz
- Raxmanov A.T.- a.raxmonov@tuit.uz
- Tashpolatova N.B.- n.tahpulatova@tuit.uz
- Sharipov B. –b.sharipov@tuit.uz
- Muhsinov Sh.Sh.- sh,muhsinov@tuit.uz
- Isxakova N.P.- n.isxakova@tuit.uz
- Buriyev Yu.- y.buriev@tuit.uz
- Shoraimov X.- shoraimov@tuit.uz
- Axmadjonov I. – i.axmadjonov@tuit.uz
- Jangazova Q. – jangazova@tuit.uz
- Abduvalieva Z.- z.abdullayeva@tuit.uz
- Azizova Z- z.azizova@tuit.uz
Eng. Department address: E-block, 3rd floor, rooms: 302, 303, 304