Head of the center:
Makhmudov Jahongir Khakimovich
Empfangszeiten: Montag Freitag 14:00 - 16:00
The purpose of the marketing division:
- working-out of a strategy for the university's activities in the educational services market;
- training for undergraduate and graduate students to engage in practical activities;
- directing them to fulfill the requirements assigned to future specialists by consumers (employers) during the distribution of work; management of this process;
- ensuring the planning of advertising information forwarding it;
- timely preparation for the distribution and employment of graduates to the provision of educational services.
The tasks of the marketing division:
• study of professional skills (qualification qualities) of bachelor and master's graduates assigned to educational services; determine their compliance with the requirements of employers (consumers).
• analysis of the change in the market conditions of services, the emergence of competitive educational services in the areas of bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties in the economic and social sectors; definition of new directions of development;
• the organization and implementation of a system for the distribution of graduates to work before graduation on the basis of the relationship between various factors (segments) affecting the market and the conjecture of educational services in the areas of bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties.
• evaluation of the structure of distribution objects for work - consumers of educational services (enterprises, organizations with different forms of ownership - state and local authorities, state and non-governmental organizations, etc.), including the supply and demand ratio for bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties; the definition and grouping of the geographical location of these objects; creation of a bank of complete information by forecasting their potential opportunities.
• creation of a bank of information about graduates of the current year (indicating the names, first name, patronymic for full-time and part-time forms of education on the basis of a state grant and a payment contract in the cross-section of directions and specialties of education).
• the opening of new educational (preparatory) directions and specialties, considering development prospects of economic and social sectors of the republic and regions (regions), including the preparation of proposals for closing directions for specialties that do not meet the requirements of the market of educational services; compiling a repertoire of bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties that do not have sufficient employers.
• formation of the current and future "customer portfolio" for state grants and a payment contract, considering the requirements (orders) of employers (enterprises and organizations) in the existing educational (preparatory) directions and specialties with the purpose of determining the indicators of admission of students.
• the organization of the commission for the distribution of graduates of TUIT, working-out of plans (preliminary, definite) for the distribution of graduates on the real needs of employers - institutions, enterprises and organizations by the commission, to conduct a final distribution based on the results of compiling and summarizing the individual graduates'.
• preparation of information on labor and cultural - living conditions about the amount of wages in enterprises and organization from employers (consumers) and questionnaires based on the choice of graduates of the institution, organization and enterprise from the rating and qualification qualities of each graduate in the areas of bachelor's degrees to Master's specialties which are necessary for the work of the commission for distribution to work.
• preparation, execution of necessary documents for distribution and employment (an extract from the diploma, a referral to work, the decision of the administrative commission, the list of individual distribution) of graduates and their transfer to graduates.
• consideration of applications of young professionals, distributed by commissions and decision-making, if necessary redistribution or appeal of the university commission for the implementation of the process of independent employment.
• complete acceptance of the directions for employment from graduates, which were distributed or arranged for work; creation of a bank of complete final information on the distribution or redistribution of graduates (including those who are self-employed) to employed in the specialty cross-section of enterprises and organizations.
• attracting highly qualified personnel from enterprises and organizations
• employers (customers) for the management of final qualified works and master's dissertations for participation in the composition.
• joint preparation of the grounds and proposals with enterprises and organizations for the training of personnel, their employment, the creation of training and research centers (polygons, practical bases) and the conclusion of contracts for the material and technical partnership, including the establishment of feedbacks with them.
• establishment of feedbacks with young specialists, arranged for work in the current year and during the past years, providing methodological assistance, consulting and summarizing the results of their work activities.
• creation of a bank of information on the implementation of the admission plan in the new academic year, (on the government grant plan and a payment plan, a contractual basis, the number of applications, a contest, the number of students admitted, their distribution by courses, specialties, languages training, etc.).
• conclusion of contracts with students who received a state grant, that they should work on distribution for three years.
• establishment of relations and conclusion of a contract with enterprises, organizations and private farms with a view to determining the basis for the production and pre-diploma practice of students; preparation of recommendations for making changes in the current education system on the basis of proposals from employers (consumers) on improving the quality of education and opinions about graduates (remarks, shortcomings of a young specialist, reasons for refusal).
• establishment of joint relations with relevant departments (scientific and methodological councils, scientific, educational, methodological departments, faculties, departments, etc.) of the higher educational institution to distribute graduates to work and enhance the professional skills of students in bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties; participation in the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures implemented by them; coordinate the activities of all relevant departments in the implementation of the overall marketing policy.
• conducting researches on the marketing of the international market of educational services and preparing the analyzed conclusions.
• choice of the impact on employers (consumers) through information, ensuring the publication of information about graduates (in the cross-section by directions and specialties of education) in the mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio-television, electronic communications, web site); location in the university website, publication of information and transfer to employers (consumers); participation in the preparation of the contents of advertising, draft versions of advertising modules, video and audio tape scripts of the texts of articles.
• studying the process of forming the qualities of the professional mastery of undergraduates in terms of bachelor's (master's) level and the demands of employers (consumers); analyze their provision of recommendations of employers (consumers) to the relevant faculties of the department and scientific, scientific and methodological departments in order to form a competitive personality of the graduate.
• assessment of the level of professional skills, advantages and disadvantages of graduates of competitors who studies in the areas of bachelor's and master's degrees in similar universities and compare them with their graduates.
• determining the need for scientific and pedagogical personnel with having a master's degree at university and providing them to a special commission coordinating work on monitoring the employment of graduates and the activities of young professionals at the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
• periodic provision of a special commission of the ministry (departments) and institutions, enterprises and organizations - employers Information on the results of the final distribution of graduates to work and the real needs for staff; providing information to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the implementation of the plan for monitoring the process of distribution to work.
• working-out of proposals and recommendations for improving the competitive personality of the future specialist with the aim of improving the professional skills (qualification qualities) of graduates - bachelors and masters, considering the achievements of the science of technology.
• selection of auxiliary- intermediary structures (khokimiyats, departments of social protection of labor and population) in the distribution of graduates of undergraduate and Master's specialties; effective use of their capabilities.
• ensuring participation in republican, regional to international exhibitions and fairs in order to show the opportunities and benefits of graduates of bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties; the organization of visual showcase and expose.
• coordination of student acceptance plans and the distribution of graduates with relevant departments of the university in order to provide employers with graduates at the appointed time, in accordance with the signed contracts.
• working-out and implementation of measures to guarantee the work of graduates who have been studying for three years on a state grant in bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties in accordance with the relevant departments (councils, faculties, departments, etc.) of the university.
• distribution and employment of graduates of bachelor's degrees and Master's specialties, maintenance and organization of the internal report of the university on the results of work of young professionals.
• preparation of the annual report of the division of marketing for monitoring and employment of graduates.
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