Scientific seminar!

On June 9, we invite you to take part in the defense of dissertation of A.A. Makhkamov for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences (supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sh.Kh.Fozilov), specialty 05.01.03 - "Theoretical Foundations of Informatics" on the theme "Personality Algorithms based on analysis of auricle images "(at 10:00) and dissertation of Mirzaev O.N. for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences (supervisor: Ph.D., Professor Sh. Kh. Fozilov), specialty 05.01.03 - "Theoretical Foundations of Informatics" on the topic "Synthesis of recognition operators within the class potential functions with allowance for the size of the feature space" (at 12:00). The seminar will be held in the small assembly hall of TUIT.