
To hold a dissertation defense on the following specialties are allowed  by the order of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 5, 2015 №13 dated 16.07.2013.T / FM.29.01 to obtain a degree of Doctor of Science in Tashkent University of Information Technologies and National University of Uzbekistan:

05.01.02 - System analysis, management and processing of information (on technical sciences);

05.01.03 - Theoretical bases of Informatics (on technical sciences);

05.01.04 - Mathematics and software of computing machines, complexes and computer networks (on technical subjects);

05.01.05 - Methods and systems of information protection. Information security (on technical sciences);

05.01.07 - Mathematical Modeling. Numerical methods and set of applications (in physics and mathematics).

05.04.01 - Telecommunication and computer systems, telecommunication networks and information devices, Distribution of information (on technical subjects);

05.04.02 - Systems and systems of radio engineering, radio navigation and television, Mobile, fiber-optic communication systems (on technical subjects);