Latest News

TUIT and KOOKMIN University (South Korea) jointly announce grant programs for Masters and PhD in Business IT.

✅ Candidates whose documents meet the requirements will be called for an interview on June 15.

31-05-2024 | 12:13 More

TUIT was visited by a delegation consisting of professors and teachers of the Perm State National Research University of the Russian Federation.

🗒 For information: according to the study "QS University Rankings: BRICS (BRICS Countries of Best Universities)" published on July 8, 2015, Perm State National Research University is in the list of leading higher education institutions of Russia it took 24th place, leaving behind a number of higher education institutions.

31-05-2024 | 09:09 More

Award ceremony of "Student League" and "Barkamol Avlod" sports competitions was held.

🏆 The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Kungirotboy Sharipov, on behalf of the Ministry, congratulated the rector of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi and the university team for their contribution and effective work in the organization and holding of the "Student League" sports competitions. was awarded with a letter of thanks, expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the competition.

29-05-2024 | 09:21 More

Representatives of the Ministry of Digital Technologies participate in the 21st Shanghai Education Forum in Shanghai

At the end of the event, foreign experts were invited to the ICT Week "ICTWeek-2024" scheduled to be held in September this year.

29-05-2024 | 09:11 More

Latest Announcements

Dear professors, teachers and applicants!

We invite you to a scientific seminar on discussion of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences Qodirov Azamat Almat o‘g‘li titled “Models and algorithms for distribution of network resources and coordination of data transmission processes”, presented on the specialty 05.04.01 – “Telecommunication and computer systems, telecommunication networks and information devices. Distribution of information”.

05-06-2024 | 14:55 More

Dear professors, teachers and applicants!

We invite you to a scientific seminar on approbation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, prepared by Norkobilov Salim Abdukhamidovich on the theme of “Model and algorithms for remote monitoring of cotton bales in fire hazardous areas”, presented in the specialty 05.04.02-“Radio engineering, radionavigation, radiolocation and television systems and devices. Mobile, fibrous-optical communication systems”.

05-06-2024 | 14:39 More

International Game and Animation Festival

📌We invite you to the first International Game and Animation Festival in Uzbekistan

29-05-2024 | 09:26 More

Attention TUIT 3rd-4th grade students!

✅ Announces the launch of the ninth "Seeds for the Future" project for students of Uzbekistan. Technical specialties (STEM) senior students (3rd and 4th year students as of September 2024) can participate in the competition. The "Seed for the Future" project will be organized by Huawei's regional office in the Middle East and Central Asia, particularly in Qatar and the UAE, in September of this year.

29-05-2024 | 09:14 More

For applicants


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Fields and specialties

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Statute of admission

Statute of admission of the university and normative documents.

For students

On-line resources

On-line resources, electronic library, remote education and video lessons.

Stipends, scholarships and credits

Get more information on different kinds of scholarship programs, state stipends and foreign scholarships for students.


In this section, you can read answers to frequently asked questions by students You can leave your question related to academics and learning process.







